Timber Talk
Gates Milling, Inc. participates in a number of historic reconstructions every year through the sale or donation of lumber products that match the quality, finish, and grade of material milled years ago. With the ability to produce over 160 profiles as well as supply rough material, whether or not the material was originally finished at Gates doesn’t matter. The team works tirelessly to create a finished product as near a match to the original as possible.
In 2017, Gates Milling, provided material to facilitate the reconstruction of a very particular historical home in Fredericksburg, VA: Ferry Farm, the boyhood home of George Washington. The George Washington Foundation launched their project, The Future of Our Past Campaign to develop Ferry Farm into a living museum replicating the historic landmark in its glory days. Reconstruction plans for the home were implemented in the original style of Ferry Farms construction back in the 1730s. Consequently, the material for the building matches the species used to fabricate the original as well : Cypress.
The framing of the building is made up of solid wood timbers, while the roof was developed from traditional, wooden Cypress shingles. The siding of the building was constructed into a beaded bevel profile using Select Cypress material. In this case, Gates provided the rough Cypress material and it was finished by restoration technicians. For more information on the restoration, visit www.kenmore.org or to contact Gates Milling directly visit www.gatesmilling.com.